Friday, June 12, 2020

Kaduna state govt shuts down private school, revokes its license for violating quarantine order

Kaduna state government has closed down the Future Leaders International School in the state for opening their school premises and conducting entrance examination despite the ban on all academic activities in the state due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
 Kaduna state govt shuts down private school, revokes its license for violating quarantine order
In a tweet posted on Thursday evening, June 11, Governor El-Rufai said the license of the school has also been revoked.
''KDSG has closed Future Leaders International School and revoked its license to operate. The school opened and conducted entrance exams contrary to the provisions of the Quarantine Order, which directed all schools, both public and private, to remain closed'' his tweet reads

Kaduna state govt shuts down private school, revokes its license for violating quarantine order

The school conducted entrance examination into Junior Secondary School I (JSS I) and Senior Secondary School I (SSI) for 70 pupils on Wednesday, June 10.

681 new cases of COVID-19 recorded in Nigeria; 345 in Lagos alone

681 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Nigeria on Thursday, June 11, 2020. 681 new cases of COVID-19 recorded in Nigeria; 345 in Lagos alone

According to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control NCDC, 345 of the new cases were recorded in Lagos, 51 in Rivers, 48 in Ogun, 47 in Gombe, 36 in Oyo, 31 in Imo, 28 in Delta, 23 in Kano, 18 in Bauchi, 12 in Edo, 12 in Katsina, 9 in Kaduna, 7 in Anambra, 5 in Jigawa, 4 in Kebbi, 4 in Ondo and 1 in Nasarawa State.

In total, Nigeria has now recorded 14,554 cases of COVID-19. 4,494 patients have been discharged from various Isolation centers across the country, while 387 deaths have been recorded.

681 new cases of COVID-19 recorded in Nigeria; 345 in Lagos alone

President Buhari's full speech on 2020 Democracy Day celebration

President Muhammadu Buhari on June 12 addressed Nigerians to commemorate the 2020 Democracy celebration. Muhammadu Buhari (@MBuhari) | Twitter

The Nigerian leader listed some of his achievements and the effort of his administration to curb the spread of Coronavirus in the nationwide address. Here is the full speech below;

Fellow Nigerians,
The 2020 celebration of Democracy Day marks 21 years of uninterrupted civil administration in our dear country. This day provides us an opportunity to reflect on our journey as a nation, our achievements and struggles.
It is a day to honour our founding fathers who toiled to establish our republic and every Nigerian who has worked tirelessly to sustain it. We are celebrating this year’s Democracy Day despite the COVID-19 pandemic which afflicts our nation and the whole world.
It is indeed a very difficult time for everyone especially those who have lost loved ones to the virus and those whose sources of livelihood have been severely constrained by the stringent measures we introduced at every level of government to contain the virus and save lives.
The dedication of our health and other essential services staff towards containing this virus is a testament of our courage and resilience as a people and as a great nation, and I use this opportunity to say thank you to all of you for your service to the nation.
Sustaining our democracy thus far has been a collective struggle, and I congratulate all Nigerians and particularly leaders of our democratic institutions on their resilience and determination to ensure that Nigeria remains a shining example of democracy.
In my 2019 Democracy Day address, I promised to frontally address the nation’s daunting challenges, especially insecurity, economy and corruption. I therefore find it necessary to give an account of my stewardship on this day.
We have recorded notable achievements in the course of implementing our nine priority objectives and are establishing a solid foundation for future success.
On the economic front, our objectives have remained to stabilize the macroeconomy, achieve agricultural and food security, ensure energy sufficiency in power and petroleum products, develop infrastructure, fight corruption and improve governance.
We have witnessed eleven quarters of consecutive GDP growth since exiting recession. The GDP grew from 1.91% in 2018 to 2.27% in 2019 but declined to 1.87% in the first quarter of 2020 as a result of the decline in global economic activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Every single economy in the world has suffered a decline. Ours has been relatively moderate.
In order to stabilize the economy, the Monetary Authority took steps to build the external reserves which resulted in improved liquidity in the foreign exchange market.
The external reserves grew from $33.42 billion on April 29th 2020 to about $36.00 billion in May, 2020 which is enough to finance seven months of import commitments.
Agriculture remains the key to our economic diversification strategy. The Presidential Fertilizer Initiative programme continues to deliver significant quantities of affordable and high-quality fertilizers to our farmers.
This initiative has also revived 31 blending plants and created a significant number of direct and indirect jobs across the value chain.
Government is also revamping the cotton, textile and garment sector via a CBN Textile Revival Intervention Fund that would considerably reduce foreign exchange spent on cotton and other textile imports.
Through the food security initiative, we are promoting “Grow What We Eat” and “Eat What We Grow”. I am also delighted that more and more Nigerians are taking advantage of the opportunities in the agriculture and agri-business sector.
I assure you that government will continue to support the Agriculture sector through the CBN Anchor Borrowers Programme and similar schemes.
To protect our farming investments, we have deployed 5,000 Agro-Rangers and employed 30,289 in our para-military agencies. We are also integrating rural communities to the formal economy by extending access to credit and inputs to rural farmers and building feeder roads.
Our efforts on growing non-oil exports have started to yield some results. For instance, in the past year, our revenue from Cocoa and Sesame Seed increased by $79.4 million and $153 million.
Africa presents a huge opportunity for our export base diversification and we are developing our strategy to grow intra-Africa trade through the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement.
Nigeria has risen by 25 places on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking from 146th to 131st and is now rated as one of the top ten reforming countries.
This development is due to the Visa on Arrival policy, consistent promotion of initiatives that expand facilities available to Micro Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, robust electronic registration and payment system, seamless processing of business registration and reduction of cost of registering business by 50%. We are confident that on-going efforts would result in further improvement of this rating.
We remain committed to expanding our mining sector. To this end, I have directed the resuscitation of the Ajaokuta Steel Plant based on Government-to-Government financing and a Public-Private Sector financing.
With foreign and domestic investments and the participation of Small Scale Miners, we are harnessing the supply value chain in gold production.
We would also be launching a fully digitized mineral rights management platform for quick processing of mineral rights application, digitization of records and plugging revenue leakages.
The Power Sector remains very critical to meeting our industrial development aspirations and we are tackling the challenges that still exist in the delivery of power through different strategies.
We are executing some critical projects through the Transmission Rehabilitation and Expansion Programme including the:
a. Alaoji to Onitsha, Delta Power Station to Benin and Kaduna to Kano;
b. 330kv DC 62km line between Birnin Kebbi and Kamba;
c. Lagos/Ogun Transmission Infrastructure Project;
d. Abuja Transmission Ring Scheme; and
e. Northern Corridor Transmission Project.
Our agreement with Siemens will transmit and distribute a total of 11,000 Megawatts by 2023, to serve our electricity needs.
On transportation, another critical sector to improving our economic competitiveness, we are growing the stock and quality of our road, rail, air and water transport infrastructure.
Through the SUKUK-Funded Road Projects, a total of 412km of the targeted 643km road projects have been completed, representing 64%.
The Presidential Infrastructure Development Fund projects are also progressing very well.
On the 2nd Niger Bridge, piling work has been completed and the approach roads are being constructed. 48% of work on this bridge has been achieved.
We have constructed 102km of the 376km Abuja – Kaduna – Kano Road, representing 38%, and the 42.9km Obajana – Kabba Road is 87.03% complete.
Furthermore, the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency has completed routine maintenance on over 4,000km of federal roads out of the 5,000km targeted.
We are extending and upgrading our railway network too. We are introducing more locomotives, coaches and wagons for the Abuja-Kaduna Rail Line.
The Central Ajaokuta – Itakpe - Warri Line has been completed and is being extended from Itakpe to Abuja on one end and from Warri Town to Warri Port on the other.
The Lagos-Ibadan Rail Line is 90% completed and would be extended to the Lagos Port which would help address the long-standing gridlock at the Apapa port.
The Kano–Maradi Single Track Standard Gauge Railway, Coastal Railway Project & Port Harcourt–Maiduguri Standard Gauge Railway,with its associated branch lines running through the South Eastern & Gombe States, industrial park & Bonny Deep Sea Port are all ready for concessioning.
Government continues to make investments in the Aviation sector to position it as a travel and trade hub in West Africa and the wider African continent.
Airport Terminals in Abuja, Lagos, Kano and Port Harcourt are being expanded, while the rehabilitation of the Enugu Airport is almost completed.
All our airports are being raised to international standards with the provision of necessary equipment, especially navigational aids, to guarantee world class safety standards.
For the first time in over ten years, Nigeria is conducting bidding process for 57 Marginal Oil Fields to increase revenue and increase the participation of Nigerian companies in oil and exploration and production business.
We continue to grow local content in other areas of the oil and gas sector with the disbursement of funds from the $200 million Nigerian Content Intervention Fund to indigenous manufacturers and service providers.
With sustained engagement of youths, opinion leaders and other stakeholders, we have restored peace in the Niger Delta Region and maintained our oil production levels.
The Head office of the Niger Delta Development Commission will be commissioned shortly. The Funding of sections I–IV of the East-West Road shall be pursued with a view to completing the project by the end of 2021.
Furthermore, I am determined to ensure that development meant for the people of the Niger Delta get to them so I have authorised a Forensic Audit of the Niger Delta Development Commission.
Digital Economy continues to play an important role in our development agenda as we move into the age of Artificial Intelligence.
Since the creation of the Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy,the National Digital Economy Policy & Strategy has been launched. Steps have been taken to achieve a reduction of connectivity cluster gaps from 207 to 114 as well as increase the level of 4G coverage by 30%.
Nigeria remains committed to expanding access to quality education to enhance the productivity of its citizens and would continue to pursue the enforcement of free and compulsory basic education for the first 9 years of schooling.
In pursuit of this, we have launched the Better Education Service Delivery for All in 17 states, established additional 6 Federal Science and Technical Colleges and currently executing a pro-active Teacher Training Plan with all states of the Federation.
In our revision of the operations of specialized education funds & to implement reforms that would optimize their benefits to the sector, we have adopted a Public-Private Sector Partnership for provision of infrastructure & also collaborate with the private sector to create jobs.
Our pursuit of affordable housing for the low and middle-income earners has received a boost with the delivery of 1,200 housing units, provision of 520 service plots with infrastructure through a Public Private Sector partnership & issuance of 868 mortgages totaling N7.7 Billion.
Similarly, Home Renovation Loans totaling N16.2 Billion have been granted to 19,210 people.
To enable sustainable access to safe and sufficient water to meet the social, cultural, environmental and economic development needs of all Nigerians, we continue to expand our water supply, irrigation and dam facilities.
The Completion of Amauzari, Amla Otukpo and other 42 Earth Dams with combined job creation of about 43,354 direct jobs and 71,172 indirect jobs, would provide more support for irrigation agriculture and water supply.
To further institutionalize our effort in this regard, I signed the Executive Order 009 on Ending Open Defecation in Nigeria.
In order to improve our forest cover & in fulfilment of my commitment at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2019,we have commenced the planting of 25 million trees.This initiative will also contribute to our effort to mitigate the effect of climate change.
In the area of security, we remain unshaken in our resolve to protect our national infrastructure including on-shore and off-shore oil installations, secure our territorial waters and end piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.
Ending insurgency, banditry and other forms of criminality across the nation is being accorded appropriate priorities and the men and women of the Armed Forces of Nigeria have considerably downgraded such threats across all geo-political zones.
All the Local Governments that were taken over by the Boko Haram insurgents in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa have long been recovered and are now occupied by indigenes of these areas who were hitherto forced to seek a living in areas far from their ancestral homes.
The total collapse of the economies of these areas, which constituted a threat to our food security, has also been reversed with the gradual recovery of farming and other economic activities.
I regret recent sporadic incidents with tragic loss of lives in Katsina and Borno States as a result of criminals taking advantage of COVID-19 restrictions. Security Agencies will pursue the perpetrators and bring them to swift justice.
I must implore state and local governments to revamp their intelligence assets so that the Security Agencies can nip in the bud any planned attacks in remote rural areas. I send my heartfelt condolences to all the relatives and communities affected.
As part of the strengthening of our internal security architecture, the Ministry of Police Affairs was created.
Amongst others, Government has expanded the National Command and Control Centre to nineteen states of the federation, resuscitated the National Public Security Communication System and commenced the implementation of the Community Policing Strategy.
Government has similarly established a Nigerian Police Trust Fund as a public-private sector vehicle for alternative sources of funding security activities.
To reduce security challenges through our external borders especially smuggling of oil products out of the country, inflow of small arms and drugs into the country and equally protect our local manufacturers, we introduced operation “Ex-Swift Response” closing our borders from August 20th 2019, and have considerably succeeded in meeting its objectives as well as improving our national revenue.
Our Government has continued to work to reduce social and economic inequality through targeted social investment programmes, education, technology and improved information.
Our Social Investment Programme has continued to be a model to other nations and has engaged 549,500 N-Power beneficiaries, 408,682 beneficiaries of the Conditional Cash Transfer Programme, and 2,238,334 beneficiaries of the Growth Enhancement and Empowerment Programme. This is being done in collaboration with the States.
Similarly, “Marketmoni” and “Tradermoni” Programmes have provided affordable loans to small and micro scale enterprises to grow their businesses.
Under the National Home-Grown School Feeding Programme, over 9,963,729 children are being fed to keep them in school and improve their nutritional status.
Fellow Nigerians, the year 2020 has been like none other. In January 2020, the COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization.
The number of global infections has risen from less than 8,000 shared between China and eighteen other countries to over 7 million spread over 216 countries and on all continents.
Nigeria recorded its first case of COVID-19 on February 27th 2020 and within the first 100 days, I have had cause to address the nation on three occasions within one month, which underscores the gravity of this pandemic.
There is no doubt that this pandemic has affected the global economy and all known socio-economic systems. It has also brought grief and pain to families that have lost their loved ones.
Like many Nigerians, I feel the grief and pain not only as your President but also as someone who has lost a close member of my staff and some relatives and friends.
In order to have a robust National response, I approved a Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 to provide guidance and leadership in tackling the pandemic nationwide.
State Governments also constituted their own COVID-19 Task Forces. Complementing this was the establishment of a National Emergency Operations Centre responsible for providing technical and professional guidance in the National Response.
The overall objective of the PTF COVID-19 is to ensure that the pandemic does not overwhelm our health systems, while ensuring that we maintain an effective Case Management System to help in containing the spread of the virus.
The impact of the pandemic has disrupted our economic system and to ensure its functioning while still addressing the spread, the Federal Government put in place a number of various non-pharmaceutical measures to slow down the spread of the virus, in addition to a progressive re-opening of the economy.
As part of the strategy to create jobs in reducing the effect of COVID-19 on our youths, I directed the employment of 774, 000 Nigerians. These youths will be engaged in Special Public Works Programme aimed at cushioning the effects of economic downturn.
Each of the 774 local government areas in the country will be allotted 1,000 slots. I am pleased to report that this programme has commenced.
I receive regular briefing from the PTF on COVID-19. I note that the National Response relies on Science, Data and Experience in taking decisions. This informed my approval for the ease of lockdown phase to ensure a balance between lives and livelihoods.
I am confident that the steps being taken by the PTF would result in flattening the COVID-19 curve. I, therefore, implore all Nigerians to abide by the approved guidelines and protocols. There is hope for us all if we take individual and collective responsibility.
Government is determined to turn this COVID-19 challenge into a motivation to action by building a nation-wide public health care system that will help us overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for any future outbreak.
Already, we have begun to look inward and I charge our inventors, researchers and scientists to come up with solutions to cure COVID-19.
Government has continued to implement accountability and transparent policies through the Open Government Partnership and the transparency portal on financial transactions.
Similarly, we have strengthened auditing and accountability mechanisms so as to ensure that rules and regulations are followed strictly.
Anti-Corruption Agencies have secured more than 1,400 convictions and also recovered funds in excess of N800 billion. These monies are being ploughed into development and infrastructure projects.
The Public Service of Nigeria remains the bedrock for the formulation and implementation of policies, programmes and projects in the country. This accounts for why it continues to evolve especially as new socio-economic challenges emerge for Government to address.
I will continue to give all the necessary support for the on-going reforms designed to return discipline, integrity and patriotism as the hallmark of the public service.
In the face of dwindling resources and rising cost of governance, I have authorized that the White Paper on the Rationalisation of Government Parastatals and Agencies be reviewed for implementation.
Our youth population remains a source of strength in achieving development objectives. In this regard, we would continue to concentrate in developing their skills, providing them with opportunities to express their entrepreneurial, research and industrial capacities as well as ample opportunity to take leadership positions in the service of the nation.
The commitment of this Administration to the well-being of people living with disabilities remains unwavering. Government recognises their contributions to development.
I have directed that all relevant Government agencies pay special attention to the peculiarities of persons with disabilities in the formulation and implementation of their policies and programmes, and where suitable their employment.
Nigerian women remain a particular treasure to this nation and for this reason this Administration has continued to give them a place of pride in the affairs of our country.
I salute your courage, enterprise and resilience as well as your contributions to national development. I wish to assure all our women of this administration’s determination to fight Gender Based Violence through the instrumentality of the law and awareness creation.
I am particularly upset at recent incidents of rape especially of very young girls. The Police are pursuing these cases with a view to bringing perpetrators of these heinous crimes to swift justice.
Government continues to recognize and harness the power of the media for positive development.
The reforms of the broadcast and advertising industries including digital switch over and continuous engagement through town hall meetings remain central to accurate and credible information dissemination.
Our culture provides the basis for our existence as a people and a nation. In preserving iconic aspects of our national culture, this government has been pursuing the recovery of artefacts removed from Nigeria, promoting heritage sites and festivals and working towards designating some of our heritage sites as UNESCO World Heritage Centres.
This administration is focused on ensuring that Nigeria would always be governed by the Rule of Law and I would do my utmost to uphold the constitution and protect the lives and property of all Nigerians.
Government has initiated a number of policies and programmes designed to promote the legal rights of Nigerians, facilitate the institutionalization of a responsive legal system, provide support to all constituted bodies in implementing their mandates and improve our custodial system of justice.
The National Assembly has been an important partner in our quest to sustain our democracy and achieve our development objectives.
The National Assembly has been an important partner in our quest to sustain our democracy and achieve our development objectives.
The National Assembly has been an important partner in our quest to sustain our democracy and achieve our development objectives.
I must admit that the relationship between the media and successive governments has not always been perfect. But there is no denying the fact that you have been an effective watchdog for the society especially in holding public officers to account.
It is sad that in the course of securing our democracy, some of your colleagues have had to pay a heavy price.
We will continue to guarantee freedom of the Press as we place high premium on responsible journalism that is devoid of hate speech, fake news and other unethical professional conduct.
Fellow Nigerians, as we celebrate this year’s Democracy Day, let us remember that, notwithstanding our aspirations, humanity and indeed democracy is under the threat of COVID-19.
Nigeria has survived many crises before and came out stronger. I am confident that by God’s grace we shall overcome this one and emerge stronger and more purposeful.
Thank you for listening. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

20-year-old man sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for raping eight-year-old girl in Ogun

A twenty-year-old man Musa Anifowose, has been sentenced to two years imprisonment by an Ogun State Magistrate20-year-old man sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for raping eight-year-old girl in Ogun for raping an eight-year-old girl. According to the prosecutor, Bukola Abolade, Musa committed the crime on May 1, 2020, around 9am at Number 6 Agbaje street in Sabo, Ijebu Ode in the state. The prosecutor told the court that Musa raped the minor when her mother sent her on an errand. The victim's mother observed bloodstains on her daughter's legs, cloth and private parts when she returned. On inquiry, the victim said it was Musa who violated her. She said he took her to an abandoned building close to an Abattoir where he violated her.
 “When the victim got home, her mother noticed blood stains on her clothe. Upon enquiry, she told her mother what happened between her and the defendant,”
the prosecutor said Medical examination proved that the victim had been penetrated. The suspect when cross-examined, confessed to committing the crime. The presiding magistrate, Olusegun Abiodun, thereafter sentenced him to two years’ imprisonment at the Oba Correctional Centre without an option of fine.

Solid Star sets contract agreement between him and his former record label on fire after strained relationship

Solid Star sets contract agreement between him and his former record label on fire after strained relationship  (video)
Nigerian singer, Solid Star has shocked his fans by setting the contract agreement he had with his former record label, Achievas Entertainment on fire.

He took to his Instagram stories to share the videos of himself burning the contract agreement two years after he left the label following their strained relationship.

Solid Star, who released two albums, ‘One In A Million’ (2010) and ‘W.E.E.D’ (2016) under the record label left in 2018.

At that time, he announced that: “I Joshua Iniyezo aka Solidstar, wish to use this opportunity to thank my former label Achievas Ent for being there for me over 10 years. Words cannot express how grateful I am, Special S/O to @ossyachievas @colepeter my bosses, and the entire team for having my back. You are still my family even as I begin another chapter career-wise.”

Responding to his announcement, the record label claimed they parted ways amicably after ten years together, but noted that all Solid Star's recording audios, music videos, remain their property.

But earlier this year, Solid Star and his former label boss, Paul Cole Chiori ( Ossy Achievas), fought dirty on Instagram.

The singer called out his former label boss, Ossy Achievas, and accused him of always wanting to see him sad. (Read here)

Ossy Achievas, who also fired back at Solid Star, alleged that he did not generate 10% of the N100m he invested in his career from 2007 to 2017, a claim which the singer denied and said he actually made more than 200 million Naira for the record label. 

Since leaving Achievas Entertainment, Solid Star has been operating under his own label, Shaba Entertainment.

Amara La Negra displays her banging bikini body in sexy new photos

Love & Hip Hop Miami star and singer, Amara La Negra, took to her Instagram page to flaunt banging bikini body while posing in a black sexy two-piece.

See full photos below.

Amara La Negra flaunts her banging bikini body in sexy new photosAmara La Negra flaunts her banging bikini body in sexy new photosAmara La Negra flaunts her banging bikini body in sexy new photosAmara La Negra flaunts her banging bikini body in sexy new photos

Victor Okpala shares cryptic post after being accused of demanding for sex in exchange for movie roles

Nollywood filmmaker, Victor Okpala has shared a cryptic post days after taking some time off social media after being accused of demanding for sex in exchange for movie roles. Victor Okpala shares cryptic post after being accused of demanding for sex in exchange for movie roles

In his cryptic post taken from Pastor Chris Delvan, Okpala hinted on being vindicated. The post read;

"Out of the ashes of my dying today comes the breaking of a brand new season/day"
#Grace #Mercy #vindication #justice

Victor Okpala shares cryptic post after being accused of demanding for sex in exchange for movie roles

Toke Makinwa shares her difficulties with letting a man into her life

Toke Makinwa took to Twitter to share some of the difficulties she's facing in letting a man into her life.

The media personality said she's been single for so long that she's now used to her space and to being selfish with herself. As a result, she likes the idea of a relationship more than actually being in one.

She also said that she likes to date but it's a lot of work and she looks for reasons to cancel when she's asked out.

She wrote: "Been single so long that I like the idea of a relationship more than actually being in one, I am selfish with myself, I love my space, I like to move as I want, I love waking up sprawled out on my bed alone, the concept of “sacrificing” all these to “accommodate anyone scares me."

She added: "I know I like to “date” but when I’m actually asked out on a date I think of a million reasons to cancel,the thought of putting in effort turns me off, in my head it’s rosy, in real life.... It is a lot of work and I can’t be bothered, who else can relate?

"Chatting is cute in the beginning, at some point I get tired and lose interest, can someone date for me, like can I hire an assistant to go on all these dates, share my CV, see if we are fit for each other and close the deal, i just want to fast forward the process.

"I think I know what the problem is, I have been in a relationship with myself for so long, dating myself and loving on me, I have become selfish, I’ll need to first break up with me but I like me, me works, me comes first, I don’t know how to undate myself. Whelp."

Read all Toke's tweets on the matter starting from the bottom to the top.

Toke Makinwa shares her difficulties with letting a man into her life
Toke Makinwa shares her difficulties with letting a man into her life
Toke Makinwa shares her difficulties with letting a man into her life

Thursday, June 11, 2020

''I am not like Bobrisky still denying being queer'' - Nigerian chef, Ayomide reveals he is a queer man

A Nigerian chef, Ayomide, has gone viral after he took to Instagram last night to declare himself a queer. Queer is a term used to describe sexual minorities such as gay and lesbians.

In a video posted on his page, Ayomide declared himself queer as he threw shade at popular crossdresser, Bobrisky, who he said is still denying being queer.

Ayomide shared a video of himself and another man believed to be his lover on his Instagram page and wrote
''This is real me
I'm setting Instagram on fire
I'm not bobrisky still denying being queer
This is real me
I'm queer'' he wrote

24 year old lady recounts how her friend took her to a place where she was gang-raped by 7 men in 2018

 24 year old lady recounts how her friend took her to a place where she was gang-raped by 7 men in 2018 (video)

In an interview with Channels TV, Omowunmi said when she got to the place with her friend, the men there forced her to take Tramadol and Codeine and then proceeded to take turns in raping her. She said the men increased the volume of the music in the apartment so no one would hear her cry for help. ''They were playing music. They loud it so high that nobody will hear even if I am shouting and that my friend was there. They started beating me, insisting that I should take Tramadol and Codeine. I was like why will you force me to take it, that I cannot take it. They started beating me. Since they are much and there power is much, I took the Tramadol and Codeine. I became unconcious, I did not know what happened. All I knew is that they undressed me and they slept with me. They were much inside that room. Then I was a virgin so blood was very much to the extent that they even washed my clothes.'' she said When asked if she wants them to pay for what they did to her, Omowunmi said ''I want but at a point, you have to think back, let me just forgive them. It's because it's been delayed so there is nothing we can do. They had the opportunity to come to our house to beg since then. There is nothing we can do. We just have to let them go.'' Till date, the seven men who allegedly raped her are walking free.

15 Coronavirus cases in Bauchi state came from Cross River state - Governor Mohammed Bala

Governor Mohammed Bala has disclosed that 15 Coronavirus cases in Bauchi state he governs came from "infection-free" Cross River state.
 Bala Mohammed - Wikipedia
Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday June 10, Governor Bala decried the violation of the interstate travel ban which he said has led to increased cases of the disease.

Bala said;

“I don’t want to join issues with anybody. But I want to tell Nigerians that they are going to be accountable to God.
“There is no need pretending that this thing is not there. We, as leaders, must come out and face the challenges. We in Bauchi, we are not pretending.
“Some of our places of worship, especially the mosques, they are the epicentre of infections, and nobody is doing anything.
“I am pleading with the people of Bauchi, if this thing continues to happen – we are bordered by seven states, some of them are worse – in order to secure the common people of Bauchi, I might have to lock up Bauchi.”

This is coming after Governor Ben Ayade repeatedly insisted that there is no Coronavirus case in Cross River state.

Super Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughter's birthday celebration

Ex-couple, John Ogu, and Vera Akaolisa put their differences aside to team up for their daughter's 4th birthday.

Super Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughter

The Super Eagles and Al-Adalah midfielder took to Instagram to share beautiful photos of himself and his estranged wife celebrating with their daughter Ivanna on her birthday.

See more photos below. 

Super Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughterSuper Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughterSuper Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughterSuper Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughterSuper Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughterSuper Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughterSuper Eagles star, John Ogu and his ex-wife Vera Akaolisa team up for their daughter

Imo records first Coronavirus death

Imo state has recorded its first Coronavirus death as confirmed on Wednesday June 10, by the Chairman of the COVID-19 Taskforce in the state, Professor Maurice Iwu. Prof Iwu disclosed that the deceased had an underlying health issues before he was brought to the isolation centre. This complicated his chances of survival. As at Wednesday, Imo state had 83 confirmed cases of Coronavirus. Covid-19 | New Scientist

Lockdown escalated the number of rape cases - Minister of Women Affairs, Pauline Tallen

Pauline Tallen, Nigeria's Minister of Women Affairs, has attributed the spike in the number of rape cases to the lockdown.Lockdown escalated the number of rape cases - Minister of Women Affairs, Pauline Tallen

Tallen said this to state house correspondents on Wednesday, June 10 after the Federal Executive Council meeting where she brought up the rape pandemic in the country.

She disclosed that an action plan which would involve the judiciary and the media, is being put in place to tackle the rape menace.
“There has been an outcry against rape epidemic because of the lockdown. I know we have always had rape in this country but with the lockdown of people in homes because of COVID-19, women and children are locked down with their abusers. The number has escalated three times of what we had seen. There is no state with an exception. The number has reached alarming rate.
We are calling for legal intervention. From details that we have, there are hundreds of cases that are within our courts that have not been addressed and out of each one case, be sure that there are 10 that have not been reported.
Because of this, we call for media campaign and aggressive public enlightenment. We want people to rise and speak up against abuse of minors and rape cases. We also call for intervention of the judiciary for prompt dispensation of justice and police to ensure that rape cases are not treated with levity or wished away when reported.
These were the issues brought before council, and I am glad to announce that we got a full support of Mr. President and all members of council that government will take decisive action at the highest level to protect women and children in this country” she said

Thomas Lane, one of the ex-Minneapolis police officers charged in George Floyd’s death, has been released after posting $750k bond

Thomas Lane, one of the four Minneapolis police officers involved in the death of George Floyd, has been released from jail after posting bond.

Lane, 37, who had been held on $750,000 conditional bail, was freed from the Hennepin County jail at 5:08 p.m. Wednesday, according to jail records.

His family members had set up a fundraising page for the ex-cop earlier this week, asking the public for donations for his 'defense fund' they set at $1 million.

Lane's lawyer, Earl Gray, also confirmed he was released on Wednesday afternoon after posting bail.

'Now we can watch what happens next from outside,' Gray told the Tribune. 'We will bring a motion to dismiss and hopefully it will be granted.'

Thomas Lane is one of three officers charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter in connection with the death of Floyd.

Thomas Lane, one of the ex-Minneapolis police officers charged in George Floyd?s death, has been released after posting $750k bond

He will be monitored during his release and must not take part in any law enforcement activities.

The fourth officer, Derek Chauvin, who was caught on camera pinning Floyd down with his knee while he cried out, "I can't breathe," is charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, with his bail set at $1.25 million.

The two others, Tou Thao and J Alexander Kueng, who face the same charges as Lane, are still being detained on $750,000 cash bonds.

JK Rowling opens up for the first time about suffering abuse and sexual assault

JK Rowling has opened up for the first time about being a survivor of abuse and sexual assault.
 JK Rowling opens up for the first time about suffering abuse and sexual assault
The author spoke out in a lengthy statement seeking to clarify comments she has made about transgender people, which have been widely criticised.

It all began when the Harry Potter author shared a series of tweets that people claim are "transphobic".

The author called out an article’s use of the phrase "people who menstruate".

"I’m sure there used to be a word for those people," she wrote, adding: "Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?"

While many Twitter users supported Rowling for her tweet, some people, celebrities included, criticised her comment as "anti-trans" and "transphobic", arguing that transgender, non-binary and non-gender conforming people can also menstruate.

Rowling then added that she supports transgender rights and took issue with being labelled a "TERF", a trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

She took to her website on Wednesday to explain "her reasons for speaking out on sex and gender issues".

She began the lengthy piece, writing, "This isn’t an easy piece to write, for reasons that will shortly become clear, but I know it’s time to explain myself on an issue surrounded by toxicity. I write this without any desire to add to that toxicity."

She continued: "I’ve been in the public eye now for over 20 years and have never talked publicly [about being a survivor].

"This isn’t because I’m ashamed those things happened to me, but because they’re traumatic to revisit and remember."

She said she decided to share her experiences "out of solidarity with the huge numbers of women who have histories like mine, who’ve been slurred as bigots for having concerns around single-sex spaces."

The author insisted she feels "solidarity and kinship" when reading about "a trans woman dying at the hands of a violent man", and that she has a "visceral sense" of the terror these women experience.

"I believe the majority of trans-identified people not only pose zero threat to others, but are vulnerable for all the reasons I’ve outlined," she added.
A video of a policeman dragging a woman tied to his motorcycle along a dirt path in Kuresoi, Kenya has triggered a social media outrage.

The 21-year-old Mercy Cherono who could be heard pleading for her life as she was dragged along the dirt path with a moving motorcycle, was accused of being part of a three-man gang that broke into the house of David Kiprotich, a Deputy OCS at Olenguruone police station while he was away.

Cherono was unable to escape after her alleged gang members made away with Ksh.10,000, police uniform, a TV set and a sub-woofer. It was learnt that she was dragged out of the bathroom she locked herself in by security officers, who then proceeded to beat her up before tying her to the motorcycle. In the video, a man who was cheering the OCS was also seen whipping the woman on the back while she screamed.

Policeman incites outrage after being filmed dragging a woman tied to his motorcycle on a dirt path (video)

She is now being treated at Olenguruone Hospital in Kuresoi South after sustaining injuries to the head, chest and feet.

Reacting to the incident, Rift Valley Regional Police Commander Marcus Ochola stated that it was inhuman and unacceptable. He said he has ordered an investigation on the conduct of the Olenguruone OCS after the video went viral.

Policeman incites outrage after being filmed dragging a woman tied to his motorcycle on a dirt path (video)

Also recounting her ordeal, the mother of one said she doesn't know how she survived the brutal incident which occurred on Saturday June 6.

She told Standard;

"  don't know how I survived this. The policeman suspected I was among people who broke into his house and stole the items that Sunday morning. He said I had to be punished as he dragged me around.
"I could not resist. I accompanied him and we joined another group of people that was standing on the roadside."

Cherono added that for the next 200 meters, the officer who was riding the motorbike dragged her along before the crowd intervened.

She added;

"I pleaded for mercy but the officer couldn't hear none of that. All this time I was not aware of the crime I was being punished for."

Area OCPD Henry Nyaranga however claimed that he was informed that Cherono was attacked by a mob and not the police officer. He said investigations into the incident had been launched to establish the actual circumstances that led to her sustaining the injuries.

Nyaranga said;

Nigerian lady tattoos her boyfriend's name on her face to prove her love (video)

A Nigerian lady has attracted attention on social media after being seen in a viral video getting a tattoo of her boyfriend's name on her face.

The lady who reportedly did this to prove her love to her boyfriend, had "Anjola my love" written on her face by the tattoo artist.
Nigerian lady tattoos her boyfriend

Popular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair dies

According to reports, Anna died a few days ago from a brief illness. Although the cause of her death is not yet known, her friends who took to social media to mourn her passing, claimed she was poisoned.

Popular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair diesPopular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair dies
Popular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair dies

See more tributes from her friends below.
Popular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair diesPopular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair diesPopular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair diesPopular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair dies
Popular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair diesPopular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair diesPopular hair Vendor, Anna of Annishair dies

Black Lives Matter protester tests positive for Coronavirus after going to rally attended by 10,000 people in Australia

A Black Lives Matter protester
Black Lives Matter protester tests positive for Coronavirus after going to rally attended by 10,000 people in Australia has tested positive for Coronavirus after attending a rally attended by 10,000 people in Melbourne, sparking fears of second wave of the virus in Australia. The man in his 30s reportedly marched with thousands through the city on Saturday and developed symptoms 24 hours later despite wearing a mask. Health officials fear he may have passed the virus to many others. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said the case could be the start of a mass outbreak. 'This realises our worst fears,' he told Sydney radio 2GB. 'Now we could slip back into a second wave like other countries have.' Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said it was unlikely the man contracted the virus at the protest because it was too soon for him to start showing symptoms. 'This case is unlikely to have been acquired at the protest but we were all concerned about the possibility of transmission occurring at that protest,' he said. 'It's obviously helpful that the individual wore a mask but masks are not 100 percent protection.' Dr. Sutton, who warned people not to attend Saturday's rally, also urged people not to gather in groups larger than 20. 'We don't want people gathering in groups larger than 20 in Victoria because of the risk to others. It is my strong recommendation not to go and it is the law,' he said. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg also condemned the protesters, saying: 'People shouldn't have gathered in those numbers for those rallies. In doing so, they put the broader community's health at risk. 'That was the obvious message from the medical experts about those rallies. And it was very unfortunate that they proceeded in the way that that did.' Speaking this morning, Prime Minister Scott Morrison slammed the protesters and said he wants anyone attending future rallies to be charged with breaking public health orders. 'I think they should. I mean, I really do think they should, because they'll be kind of a double standard here,' he told Melbourne radio 3AW. 'I think the issues of last weekend were very difficult, but I think people carrying it on now, it's not about that. 'It's about people pushing a whole bunch of other barrows now, and it puts others lives and livelihoods at risk.' Mr. Morrison added: 'I saw some people say, when they attended this rally, 'oh I knew the risk I was taking by attending'. 'They were talking about themselves, they weren't talking about the Australians who weren't there, you know, millions of quiet Australians who have done the right thing.' 'By all means, raise your issue. But by doing this, they have put the whole track to recovery at risk,' he told Sydney radio 2GB. As state leaders face growing calls to lift more restrictions, Mr Morrison said: 'The rally last weekend is the only legitimate blocker.' Deputy chief medical officer Professor Michael Kidd said it was too early to tell if the protests will cause a spike. 'The incubation period for COVID-19 is five to seven days, up to 14 days. So we will only start seeing new cases occurring if that transmission had occurred on the weekend over the days ahead,' he told ABC News this morning. 'We're continuing to be very cautious and obviously we need to see what happens over the next few days.'

Police arrest man for raping 40 women in Kano

 Women group flays male oppressors over rape, female maltreatment ...

The Kano State Police Command say they have arrested a man after 40 people were raped in one town over the period of a year. A mother in Dangora, Kano, caught the man in her children's bedroom, according to police spokesman Abdullahi Haruna. The man ran away but neighbours chased and caught him, he added. The man was arrested on Tuesday, June 9. The command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Abdullahi Haruna confirmed this in a statement that reads: "Police on Tuesday arrested 32-year-old Muhammad Alfa in Kwanar Dangora, an outskirt of Kano. "During interrogation, the man confessed to have raped more than 40 female in a year, including girls, married women, as well as an 80-year-old." The police say the spate of rapes included an attack on children as young as 10 years old. The chief of the town, Ahmadu Yau, said the arrest is a welcome development. "People of Dangora are so happy at this time and we hope justice will be served appropriately." Residents told the BBC that they had lived the last year in fear, even in their own homes, because they had heard that a serial rapist was climbing fences and raping women indoors. "We can now sleep with our eyes closed," one woman told the BBC.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Lady left with horrific injury after allegedly being punched by policeman she stopped from assaulting a pregnant woman in Lagos

Lady left with horrific injury after allegedly being punched by policeman she stopped from assaulting a pregnant woman in Lagos
An Instagram user has narrated how a police officer from Tolu post in Mokoya around Ajegunle area of Lagos, allegedly left a lady with a horrific injury.

According to Lucee Ogechi Akaedu, the policemen had attempted to arrest a young man who they accused of being an internet fraudster and tried pushing him into their vehicle.

However after a pregnant lady brought out her phone and started recording the incident, they allegedly attempted to assault her but was stopped by a lady who pointed out that the lady filming the incident was pregnant.

Akaedu said one of the policemen turned and punched the lady who tried stopping them several times, leaving her with horrific injuries.  It was further learnt that disciplinary action is currently being taken against the policemen.

She wrote;

So I got a report from one of my models (an alumni of Face Of Ajegunle 2015) on Saturday 6th of June, around 10pm asking me to help her repost her status and help her get justice for her mum.
I wasn’t able to check immediately because I was so busy with my other businesses online!

The next day I remembered someone sent me a message to check something and immediately I went to her WhatsApp status to see a picture of her mum in a pull of blood, and with wounds all over her face and I quickly sent her a reply to know what really happened and it turned out that she was brutalized by policemen from Tolu post in Mokoya around Ajegunle.
I was keen to know exactly what transpired and she sent me a voice note of the incident. Some people were having a party around that area on that faithful Saturday, police people were alerted and when they came to the scene of the party, instead of them to focus on those breaking the law by having a party this period, they started harassing both passerby.
It all started when they stopped a footballer driving in his car and were forcing him to come down from his car so they can arrest him and were already labeling him a yahoo boy! When he refused and was arguing with them, one of the policemen hit him with a gun on his head and they started to rough handle him, while on that, the woman who owns the shop where my model’s mum was making her nails started to record the scene and one of the policemen rushed to collect the phone from her and started to beat her up, pushed her to the mud even when they clearly saw that she was pregnant, so my model’s mum on seeing what they were doing to her friend started shouting and saying that they should leave the pregnant woman alone o, that can’t they see that she is pregnant and the policeman turned to her and gave her a blow on her mouth, punched her several times to a point she couldn’t recognize herself anymore!

I immediately sent the report to our national youth council chairman, Ajif chapter and also sent to Community Watch Plus group on WhatsApp to seek justice and then i got a lot of people working their ass out to help us get justice, the DPO of that division was alerted and immediately added to the community watch plus WhatsApp group, I narrated the story by sending the voice note and pictures of the incident again and he assured us that they have already started querying the men in question.
At the other end, the youth chairman had already gone to the station himself on that Sunday immediately when I reported and also met with the DPO and they also assured us that they are taking care of the matter.
He even went as far as visiting the family of the woman they brutalized and told me that they are making sure justice is served and they want peace to reign.
But most people in the group where I posted didn’t want it to just lay low like that because if proper justice and lessons isn’t served, we might encounter such happenings again in future.
To cut the long story short.
I got a call this morning from the youth chairman that I should make my way down to Area Command in Apapa by 10am, as that’s where the disciplinary action of those policemen will take place, that even though they tried settling the issue within the Tolu post division but the matter has gone out of hand because a lot of people contacted the IG and because I was the one who first alerted them, that I should come witness what the disciplinary actions on those guys will be.

I will be back to give us further details of what punishments was given to the policemen.

Lady left with horrific injury after allegedly being punched by policeman she stopped from assaulting a pregnant woman in Lagos

Almajiris are ‘victims’ of Northern Muslim elites – Bishop Kukah

Matthew Hassan Kukah, the Catholic of Kaduna has described "Almajiri children" as the victims of northern Muslim elites.
 Coronavirus: 65 almajiris from Kano receiving treatment in Kaduna ...
The Catholic Bishop who made the blistering remark in a paper in which he also accused northern Muslims of perpetrating the “domination” and “persecution” Christians in the region, averred that the almajiri system was ordinarily good and “much treasured” part of Islamic history.

Premium Times reported that he further disclosed that found a similarity of the Almajiri system in Christianity by giving an example of the role of catechists in the Catholic Church.

Bishop Kukah insisted that the northern Muslim ummah must accept full responsibility and see the Almajiri as part of the huge baggage of their failure to prepare for a future for their people.

He wrote in the paper;

“The Almajiri has become a scapegoat for the multiple sins of the Nigerian state in general and the Muslim Umma in particular. As usual, as of now, the northern elite will do what they do best: hide in the sands of self-deception, knowing that this will blow over and soon, no one will remember again.
“The Governors indicted themselves when they said that it is time to act now because the Almajiri has outlived his usefulness. At least they have admitted their complicity and the fact that the Almajiri system had always been a tool for political and economic forms of transaction.
“Here is my thesis: With regards to his condition today, the Almajiri is an object, not a subject, is a victim, not a perpetrator, sinned against rather than a sinner.
"The almajirai (plural for almajiri) and their mallams (teachers) are blamed for being dirty and unkempt, miscreants, delinquents, nuisances to the society, petty thieves, prospective Boko Haram recruits, a stigma, an assault on our collective social sense of decency.
“Their Mallam is charged with many sins including child abuse, abduction, human trafficking, exploitation, physical abuse, hard labour, enslavement, etc. So, we identify the Mallam and his Almajiri more by their crimes than their names. They are spoken about and not spoken to.
“In the media reports, no one bothers to give them a voice of their own. They do not speak for themselves. If they had a chance, for example, they might say: Everyone calls me, Almajiri. No one has asked me my name. We are in the millions but have only one name. I have no name. I have no father. I have no mother. I have no home. I have no town. I have no tribe. I have no address. The streets are my home. I do not know if I have brothers or sisters. I am an Almajiri. No one knows if I have feelings. No one has ever asked me what I want to be in life. I live for today and for the sake of Allah. I have no tomorrow except Allah gives me. Tomorrow is in the hands of Allah.
“The challenge for the Muslim Umma in northern Nigeria is to answer the question, where did all this go wrong? Where was the Almajiri supposed to go at the completion of his studies? Was there a career path? How and why did the Mallam and his Almajiri, a much-treasured part of Islamic history, deteriorate to the status of the scum of the earth? I do not have the answers to these questions, but I wish to raise a few issues for the attention of the northern Muslim Ummah.
“First, the northern Muslim ummah must accept full responsibility and see the Almajiri as part of the huge baggage of their failure to prepare for a future for their people.
“They left their people in the lurch as the modern state emerged, providing no further rung on the ladder of progress for the Almajiri as part of the future for their children.
“With both he and his Mallam left behind in the cave of ignorance about the modern state, they grew to fear life outside the cave. They have remained trapped in time. The new world of modernity was presented as a contaminant to the purity of Islamic knowledge.
“So, while the modern elite equipped themselves and their children with the armour of western education, the Mallam and his Almajiri were left behind in the twilight zone of ignorance, fear, anxiety, disorientation and discomfiture, treating those outside with veiled contempt.”

Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth

Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
Twitter users have taken to the platform to share instances where hospitals switched babies after birth.

They shared their stories after popular Twittet user, Sisi Yemmie warned mothers to be alert and have someone in the hospital with them to follow the baby around because corrupt health workers now receive money to switch babies.

She wrote: "Please always have someone with you in the hospital while giving birth. The person MUST be alert. MUST follow your baby. Some corrupt nurses/dr switch sick/dead babies with healthy ones if they've been paid. So pay attention!'

Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth

Below are more tweets shared by other users.

Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth

Gunmen kill father, abduct son in Katsina

  Gunmen suspected to be kidnappers killed one Alhaji Muntari Mai Yadi and abducted his son, Usman in Yankara town, Faskari Local Government...